
There are several ways to use snakeoil.

Global metadata

Usually, you will have some metadata that will be the same on every page, or at least a majority of them. You can set these in your

    "default": [
        {"name": "author", "content": "Tom Carrick"},
        {"property": "og:site_name", "content": "My Website"},
        {"property": "og:type", "content": "website"}
    "eo": [
        {"property": "og:site_name", "content": "Mia Ratejo"},


The default key here is for the language. If you’re not using internationalization, you need only use the default key.

This will set the Open Graph site name property to Mia Ratejo if the page is requested in Esperanto, or My Website for any other language. Additionally, the meta author tag will be set to Tom Carrick on every page.

It’s possible to set both the meta name and property for the same tag:

    "default": [
            "name": "description",
            "property": "og:description",
            "content": "My meta description.",

Per-object metadata

Metadata can be set and overridden per-object.

First, inherit your model from SEOModel:

from snakeoil.models import SEOModel

class Article(SEOModel):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    main_image = models.Imagefield()

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        # Snakeoil will use this to find the object
        # if you don't pass it in.
        return reverse("...")

    def author_name(self):

Then you can build a JSON object (perhaps in a code-editor) and add this into the meta_tags field of the object in the Django Admin, or with code. For example:

    "default": [
        {"property": "og:type", "content": "article"}

This will override the type from website (defined in the global config) to article.

Setting metadata from object attributes

You can also set metadata from object attributes with the attribute key:

    "default": [
        {"name": "author", "attribute": "author"},
        {"property": "og:image", "attribute": "main_image"},
        {"property": "og:title", "attribute": "title"}

For images using ImageField in an og:image, this will automatically populate the og:image:width and og:image:height properties.

Setting metadata dynamically

Usually, your models will have some metadata stored as model fields or attributes, and it’s a lot of effort to override this for every obejct. To set per-model metadata based on object attributes, you can define a property called snakeoil_metadata on your model:

from snakeoil.models import SEOModel

class Article(SEOModel):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    main_image = models.Imagefield(blank=True, null=True)

    def author_name(self):

    def snakeoil_metadata(self):
        metadata = {
            "default": [
                    "name": "author",
                {"property": "og:title", "content": self.title},
        if self.main_image:
                {"property": "og:image", "attribute": "main_image"}
        return metadata


It’s important to use attribute for og:image so the height and and width can be set automatically.

Per-URL metadata

Sometimes you don’t have an object, or can’t add anything to it, if for example you’re using django.contrib.flatpages or are using static views. For this, you can use the SEOPath model, added to the Django admin.

Using static files

You can also get files by their static path. However, this won’t auatomatically add og:image:width and og:image:height properties, so these need to be added manually if needed:

    "default": [
        {"property": "og:image", "static": "img/default_image.jpg"},
        {"property": "og:image:width", "content": "600"},
        {"property": "og:image:height", "content": "480"},